Script, A division of WD Writer's Digest logo.


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Script is an online-only property, we don’t publish a print magazine, though we will be producing a Screenwriting Special Interest Pub next summer as part of the WD schedule.

Serving screenwriters since 1995 is the essential online community and resource for screenwriters of every level. With seasoned contributors from London to L.A., our site offers a unique perspective on breaking into the industry from anywhere in the world. The site is regularly updated with fresh content; educational webinars and online workshops; e-newsletters and free resources. We also have a strong online community that shares our content through social media, engages in lively conversations, and offers advice and critiques. Script strives to foster creativity, information, and community. We offer a variety of ways for you to connect your business to this active audience of screenwriters. Our range of strategic, integrated marketing solutions include dedicated email sends, display advertising on our website, display and text advertising in our Script Weekly editorial newsletter, as well as sponsored social media and content options.